Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Girl Effect

This week is The Girl Effect's national blogging campaign to get the word out about how empowering girls and women in developing countries can end the cycle of poverty that cripple over a billion people. For decades, people have been asking themselves what the silver bullet is to poverty. Turns out it's as simple as girls. Why?
It has been shown that an educated girl will invest 90% of her future income in her family, compared to 35% for a boy. Yet 250 million adolescent girls live in poverty and are more likely than boys to be uneducated, married at a young age, and exposed to HIV/AIDS. Today, less than two cents of every international development dollar go to girls, the very people who could do the most to end poverty. Where does the rest of that money go? Where's the accountability? As long as girls remain invisible, the world misses out on a tremendous opportunity for change.

 Girl created this brilliant, fast-paced video to highlight exactly what happens when you invest in girls-- when you educate a girl, she is much more likely to get herself out of poverty and help her community. Check it out, and certain browse the website. Lastly, be sure to share this with others!

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